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Housing Help Service

  • Assist individuals/ households navigate the MyAccesstoHousingTO portal and the new Choice Base process for RGI housing by supporting applicants with registering, completing applications, updating, and maintaining applications

  • Support those who have an offer of subsidized housing to submit required documentations to assist with drafting leasing details

  • Assist individuals/ households apply for other housing benefits

  • Provide referrals to more Specialized types of services (Legal Clinics, Income Supports, ID Clinics, Mental Health and Support Services, Addiction Programs, etc.)

  • Assist people to secure housing by providing housing searches, coordination, advocacy, negotiations Landlord-tenant mediation, Housing counseling, etc.


Rent Bank Service

  • Interest-free loans for eligible tenants at risk of eviction due to rental arrears

  • Interest-free loans for first and last month rent deposit

  • Grants issued to eligible individuals/ households who meets eligibility criteria to address rental arrears and rent deposits

  • Rent Bank Call Centre: 416 397-7368 to inquire about eligibility criteria


Winter Warmth Program

  • Energy assistance for low-income eligible households with Hydro and Enbridge Gas arrears facing disconnection


Street Outreach Program (In partnership with Streets to Homes Program)

  • Assistance in finding housing for people who are currently unhoused or housing insecure 

  • Mobile Street Outreach Teams covering Wards 01, 02, 03, 05 and 07 of the catchment area

  • Assist street homeless individuals to secure housing (private market), shelter access, ID replacement through the PAID ID Project and extended supports during Extreme Weather Alerts. Individuals would have to being living precariously within the catchment area and will be met by team in the community. 


Follow-Up Support Program (In Partnership with Streets to Homes Program)

  • Tenanted clients who were previously supported through the S2H Program are provided with aftercare supports (Maintaining Housing, life skills development, financial, landlord-tenant mediation, legal, health, employment readiness, etc. REFERRAL BASE ONLY


Home Assistance Program (HAP)

  • Help income-eligible customers save on their electricity bill by providing free home energy assessment and upgrades. Upgrades may include energy efficient light bulbs, appliances, low-flow showerheads, and insulation.


Voluntary Trusteeship Service 

  • Guarantees rent & bills are paid on time

  • Creates a personalized budget plan

  • Ensures financial & housing stability

  • Offers community resource connections

  • Provides advocacy & support for landlord and tenant matters

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